Friday, April 29, 2016

Flashback Friday

Almost 10years ago, I got this email from my ex-bf's ex. I should have treated that as a sign but I still held on to my then love of my life...

In my defense, I sincerely didn't know that they were still together. Perhaps I was too trusting and too stupid.

Needless to say, he's now out of my life and the one who sent me the email above and I became 'friends' 

🚺 Piper 

Saturday, April 23, 2016


It's been a while since I posted here and this post will probably be the sappiest post I'll ever make but here goes...

You know me as that girl who doesn't care
Prolly even mistook me as someone who wouldn't back out from a dare

You probably thought you were just a pawn in my "game" 
Perhaps you even thought that being with you would just be the same

But you're different

You're sweet 
You're sensitive 
You're funny 
You're smart 

I already knew I liked you after that long conversation 
But I chose to go into this web of confusion
For fear of entering this weird situation
Or perhaps as well as rejection

I wish I could undo the things I did
And take back the things I said 
But what's done is done and we have reached the end
I wish you the best, my ading and friend

Written for someone who'll probably never know how he made an impact in my life...

★ Piper ★