Sunday, November 27, 2016

I'm a Slut, so What?

Read on before you judge :-) 

★ Piper ★

Slut shaming is alive and thriving. Whether it is a man or a woman calling out a female for being a ‘slut’, it is not acceptable. To judge a woman by her sexual activity and to decide she is not a wholesome person is to judge a book not by its cover, but by how many pages it contains. It makes no sense.

A book can be a great book, full of adventure and passion and creativity regardless of how many pages it contains. A short book is not necessarily a good book and a long book is not necessarily an awful book. This applies to women too. Too many people are too quick to decide a woman’s character by how they conduct themselves sexually.

Hook up culture is a huge part of our generation and in my humble opinion, it gives women the right to be sexually empowered, and so they should be! A woman who enjoys sex and chooses who with and when to have sex is not a bad person.

She is simply a human who is choosing to do with her body what she desires. It has no reflection on her character or her worth. It does not make her impure, but in fact preserves the purity of her character as she is acting in a way that is entirely her own.

Why are we so quick to brand a woman a slut, while we laugh about men who behave in the same fashion? What makes a woman a slut? Actually, what IS a slut?

This word should not exist in 2016. There is no need for it and there is no justification you can provide for calling a woman a slut. Are you jealous that she is being true to herself and her desires and you cannot?

The so-called sluts of the world are women who are comfortable and confident in themselves and their sexuality. They are unapologetic. They are their true selves and they should never be looked down upon for that.

Lastly, what business is it of yours who a woman sleeps with and how frequently? When did the sex lives of women become the right of the public to know? Short answer, a woman’s sex life is no ones goddamned business. Remember that next time you go to call a girl a slut – her sex life is not your concern and using the word ‘slut’ to identify her reflects more on your character than it does on hers.  

Reference: Read This If You've Ever Called A Woman A Slut by Jessica Cross (

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